Navillus Inc

PS 468X

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PS 468X

Bronx, NY

Building Use: Educational
Owner/Developer: New York City School Construction Authority
Completion Date:  April 2025

PS468X is a new five-story and cellar building consisting of a primary school with pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and 1st through 5th grade classrooms. Projected enrollment of 468 students. Complies with NYC Green Schools Guide 2019, LL86 of 2005, LL130 of 2013, LL06 of 2016, LL31 of 2016, LL32 of 2016, LL97 of 2017, LL45 of 2018, LL94 of 2019, and LL97 of 2019. The structure consists of site cast reinforced concrete foundation wall, structured on a deep foundation consisting of piles and caps, and an environmental vapor barrier system below grade. The superstructure consists of site cast reinforced concrete with reinforced concrete shear walls from the cellar to the 5th floor framing and structural steel with lateral braced frames for the roof, equipment platform, and bulkhead. There is long-span framing on the gymnatorium main roof. The floor construction is site cast reinforced concrete 2-way slabs from the cellar to the 5th floor framing, and composite metal deck with concrete fill for the roof, equipment platform, and bulkhead. There is a sound-isolating slab between the 4th floor educational spaces and the gymnatorium. The exterior wall is a pre-cast concrete insulated panel system. Panels have masonry veneer. The window system is dual glazed (three liters) thermally broken aluminum fixed over projected. Two entrances are thermally broken aluminum storefront systems with insulated glass.[/vc_column_text][us_sharing facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ gplus=”1″ linkedin=”1″ pinterest=”1″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][us_image_slider ids=”2804″ meta=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]